According to the NRA, keeping like machine guns and short-barreled shotguns out of convicted felons hands = focusing on "law-abiding gun owners". ... If the NRA really means to protect the rights of “law abiding gun owners,” it wouldn`t be making such a fuss about felons exploiting a loophole in a gun law to gain access to guns. It would be focusing on gun safety programs for those of us who are not felons. I notice that when the school shooter was persuaded by the& ...
making out moves
And speaking of the US, the NYT reports that even as the Syrian war "option" is slowly being shut out for staunch US allies (except for France of course), that Obama is "willing to move ahead with a limited military strike on Syria even while allies like Britain are debating whether to join the effort [ZH: ... Askari said the suspects had materials and formulas to make the gases -- and had a network to smuggle the toxins out of Iraq -- but they had yet to produce any weapons.
While those two are out, they won`t count against the 53-man roster total. If the IR moves happen along with the suspensions, Baltimore will have six remaining moves to make. Here`s a list of Baltimore players that have at& ...
`Limited impact` from PAD leaders` move to bow out. Analysts say decision ... In fact, the PAD leaders will have more freedom in making their moves and they can join new groups any time they want," he said. Red-shirt leader& ...
According to the NRA, keeping like machine guns and short-barreled shotguns out of convicted felons hands = focusing on "law-abiding gun owners". ... If the NRA really means to protect the rights of “law abiding gun owners,” it wouldn`t be making such a fuss about felons exploiting a loophole in a gun law to gain access to guns. It would be focusing on gun safety programs for those of us who are not felons. I notice that when the school shooter was persuaded by the& ...
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