Tryouts will begin on August 14th, at Mehall Field. Please call Coach Phil Maurer for times and more information, (517) 945-6886. This is a sport that makes cuts. Download a physical form by clicking HERE. **ALL ATHLETES& ...
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Jackson High School Girls Golf. By gmarsh on August 20, 2013. Tweet. 31 Reads. 0 Comments. Print. 2012 JHS Varsity Girls Golf- ... Jackson High School. 544 Wildwood Avenue Jackson, MI 49201 (517) 841-3710 voice (517) 768-5950 fax& ...
Long time Jackson High School basketball coach Andy Sheridan will be inducted into the Basketball Coaches Association of Michigan Hall of Fame this October. Coach Sheridan coached the Vikings from 1980-1999 earning& ...
Practice will begin on August 14th. Please call Coach Pat Briggs for times and more information, (517) 784-4931. Download a physical form by clicking HERE. **ALL ATHLETES MUST HAVE A COMPLETED PHYSICAL ON& ...
Tryouts will begin on August 14th, at Mehall Field. Please call Coach Phil Maurer for times and more information, (517) 945-6886. This is a sport that makes cuts. Download a physical form by clicking HERE. **ALL ATHLETES& ...
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